Prized Reader

Suzette Banks, who turns five this week, was awarded a certificate of completion and a book of her choice for participating in the “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” national program.

“With children and parents at home because of the pandemic, this is an opportunity for family members to read to one another, helping the youngest to learn this most important skill,” said Marilyn Smith, NPL children’s program coordinator.

The national literacy program, sponsored by the Northumberland Public Library, allows books read to children to count as “reading,” because participants are so young. By reading only three books a day with a parent, sibling or caregiver, they will hear 1,000 books in less than one year. Children can participate from birth until they enter kindergarten.

“A child can be signed up the day they are born,” said Smith, “As long as someone is reading to that child and recording the books.

Banks received small prizes from the library for each 100 books read, as incentive to keep reading. Her younger sister, Juliette, who is turning three, is not far behind and will finish the program soon. Banks begins kindergarten at Northumberland Elementary School as the first in her class to read 1,000 books.

Smith said many parents are not aware of the program and she is trying to get the word out.
“There may be other infants, toddlers and preschoolers who just haven’t signed up,” she said.

The goal of the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is to develop strong early literacy skills in children before they begin kindergarten, so they are prepared to become strong readers. The challenge is simple (read a book, any book to your child, with the goal of reading 1,000 before kindergarten.)

“A very manageable endeavor,” said Smith. “I encourage all families with preschoolers to accept the challenge.”

To get started, visit NPL, 7204 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville, or call 580-5051 to speak with Marilyn Smith.